University of North Florida
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Stuart Chalk, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
University of North Florida
Phone: 1-904-620-1938
Fax: 1-904-620-3535
Website: @unf

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Classification: Electrode -> ion selective -> sulfide

Citations 7

"Rapid Determination Of Sulfide In Waste Waters By Continuous-flow Analysis And Gas Diffusion And A Potentiometric Detector"
Anal. Chim. Acta 1984 Volume 163, Issue 1 Pages 293-297

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K. Brunt

Abstract: The system is based on a flow-through gaseous diffusion unit and potentiometric determination with a S2--selective electrode. In the range 0.5 to 600 ppm of S2-, the mean response is 30.2 mV per decade. The sampling rate is ~15 h-1, and the efficiency of transfer across the PTFE membrane is 48%. At S2- concentration. <50 ppm, the results obtained agreed well with those by a distillation method. Apparent losses at higher concentration. in the proposed method are ascribed to incorrect sample storage, problems of which are discussed.
Sulfide Waste Gas diffusion Teflon membrane

"Studies On Flow Injection Analysis With Sulfide Ion-selective Electrodes"
Analyst 1985 Volume 110, Issue 2 Pages 113-119

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M. G. Glaister, G. J. Moody and J. D. R. Thomas

Abstract: The Orion Model 94-16A, EDT Research EES and EDT Research EES flow-through electrodes were tested and shown to yield near-Nernstian slopes of response between 1 µM and 0.01 M and 0.01 M S2-. Interference by H2O2 can be controlled by adding antioxidant buffer (4% of ascorbic acid in 2 M NaOH). Reconditioning of affected electrodes may be achieved by soaking in 0.1 M Na2S for 48 h and then polishing the membrane surface. For flow injection analysis a carrier stream (2.23 mL min-1) containing 5 µM-Na2S in a medium of 2% of ascorbic acid in 2 M NaOH was suitable for analysis of sewage effluent samples in a 12-cm x 1.3-mm flow tube. For determination of S2- in sewage, flow injection analysis was superior to direct potentiometry. Both the Orion Model 94-16 and EDT Research EES 'flow-through' electrodes yielded values for S2- similar to those obtained colorimetrically. Sulfide contents ranged from 0.1 to 17.8 ppm, the lower level relating to samples pre-treated with H2O2 as a recognized method of controlling adverse sulfidic species in effluent.
Sulfide Waste Interferences Method comparison

"Determination Of Sulfide Using Flow Injection Analysis With A Coated Tubular Solid-state Silver-sulfide Ion-selective Electrode"
Analyst 1988 Volume 113, Issue 6 Pages 885-889

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Jacobus F. van Staden

Abstract: The electrode described previously (cf., e.g., Anal. Abstr, 1987, 49, 7J12) was activated by deposition of Ag2S as a fine membrane on the inner wall of the tubular cylinder, conditioned for >24 h in 0.1 M Na2S, and incorporated into a flow injection system containing an Orion 90-02 double-junction reference electrode. The performance of the electrode was evaluated by using 1 M KNO3 or sulfide antioxidant buffer solution as carrier stream, and a working range of up to 1 g L-1 was established for determination of S2- (injection volume 30 µL). Results compared favourably with those obtained with a commercial cascade mode electrode, and sensitivity was improved (detection limit 0.4 mg l-1). Mercury, Br-, I-, CN- and S2O32- interfered. The electrode was applied in the determination of S2- in effluents, and the coefficient of variation (n = 15) ranged from 0.9 to 1.8%. Recoveries of S2- added to water ranged from 96 to 104%.
Sulfide Waste Interferences

"Effect Of Membrane Composition On The Flow Injection Response Of An Ion-selective Electrode: A Comparative Study Based An Selectivity Coefficients Calculated Using A Data Linearization Technique"
Electroanalysis 1996 Volume 8, Issue 3 Pages 274-279

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David E. Davey, Dennis E. Mulcahy, Gregory R. O'Connell*

Abstract: Portions of 100 µL of iodide solutions containing 100 mM bromide, thiocyanate and thiosulfate as interferents were injected into carrier and reagent streams (total flow 6.6 ml/min) of 1 µM-KI and 100 mM KNO3, and iodide detected using a variety of purpose made AgI/Ag2S (details given) and commercially available iodide, sulfide and cadmium ISE. Calibration graphs of the respective ISE responses are presented. Most sensors showed good analytical performance, excepting that prepared from a 3:1 AgI/Ag2S membrane.
Iodide Interferences

"Development Of Ion-selective Electrodes And Flow Injection Analysis For Sulfides And Thiols"
Anal. Proc. 1980 Volume 17, Issue 12 Pages 533-535

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E. Jane Duffield, G. J. Moody, J. D. R. Thomas

Abstract: The flow injection analysis system was used to control difficulties arising in the response of Ag sulfide membrane ion-selective electrodes to sulfides and thiols due to oxidation and volatility. Reproducible flow injection emf. response peaks were obtained for S2- standards at 10^-4-10-1M.
Sulfide Thiols

"Rapid Determination Of Sulfide In Water By Flow Injection Analysis"
Huanjing Huaxue 1983 Volume 2, Issue 3 Pages 64-68

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Wang, Lijun; Zhang, Shen; Zhu, Yangming; Wang, Qinsheng

Abstract: Sulfide in water was determined by flow injection analysis (FIA) using methylene blue spectrophotometry with a linear calibration for concentrations in the range 3.5-200 mM. The relative standard deviation was 1.05% for 20 determinations of a 56.0 mM S2- sample. Cr(VI) at <0.5 mM shows no interference in the analysis The method can be used to analyze 60-80 samples/h.
Sulfide Water Interferences

"Electrochemical Analysis Of Sulfur Compounds Of Environmental Interest"
Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem. 1985 Volume 20, Issue 3-4 Pages 167-177

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Thomas, J.D.R.

Abstract: A review is presented, largely of work carried out at UWIST, with emphasis on the use of S2--selective electrodes for monitoring industrial liquors (e.g., black liquor) and effluents and sewage effluents and for monitoring the growth of S2--producing bacteria, of importance in the context of industrial spoilage, and also on flow injection analysis with use of ion-selective electrodes and on means of overcoming interference by H2O2. (30 references).
Sulfide Environmental Waste Industrial Interferences Review