University of North Florida
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Contact Info

Stuart Chalk, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
University of North Florida
Phone: 1-904-620-1938
Fax: 1-904-620-3535
Website: @unf

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Wouter P. van Bennekom

Van Bennekom, W.P.
Other Names:
Department of Biomedical Analysis, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Utrecht University, P.O. Box 80082, 3508 TB Utrecht, The NetherlandsbPhilips Research, Philips Electronics Nederland B.V., Prof. Holstlaan 4, 5656 AA Eindhoven, The Netherlands
+31 30 253 6945
+31 30 253 5180

Citations 3

"Development Of A Confined Wall-jet Flow-through Cell For Simultaneous Electrochemical And Surface Plasmon Resonance Applications"
Sens. Actuat. B 2002 Volume 84, Issue 2-3 Pages 129-135
M. Bart, P. J. H. J. van Os, B. Kamp, A. Bult and W. P. van Bennekom

Abstract: A flow-through cell of the confined wall-jet type for electrochemical surface plasmon resonance (ESPR) applications has been developed. The geometrical cell volume of the electrochemical (EC) detection is adjusted to the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) cell volume by reducing the electrode diameter. An electrode diameter of 3 mrn gives the best similarity of the SPR and EC responses, using hexacyanoferrate(II) in a flow injection analysis (FIA) setup. Further hydrodynamic characterization is done by continuous-flow analysis, The dependence of the limiting Faradaic current on the volume flow rate (phi(v)) and the spacing (b) between working and auxiliary electrode have been determined. The exponents found for phi(v) are in the range from 0.29 to 0.35 and for b in the range from -0.37 to -0.57 for typical flows (10-1000 µL min-1) and spacings (0.13-0.50 mm), respectively. Preliminary results of an impedimetric/liposome-enhanced SPR immunosensor for interferon-γ (INF-γ), based on an acetylcysteine self-assembled monolayer. show the characteristics and applicability of this new flow-through cell for ESPR research in a FIA setup. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

"Comparison Of Flow Injection Analysis With High Performance Liquid Chromatography For The Determination Of Etoposide In Plasma"
J. Chromatogr. B 1988 Volume 432, Issue 1 Pages 395-400
M. A. J. Van Opstal and P. Krabbenborg, J. J. M. Holthuis, W. P. Van Bennekom and A. Bult

Abstract: HPLC was performed with use of a guard column (2 cm x 3.9 mm) of LiChrosorb RP-18 (5 to 10 µm), an analytical column (7.5 cm x 3.9 mm) of Novapak phenyl and an electrochemical detector; the mobile phase (1 mL min-1) was 10 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7) - methanol (9:11). The apparatus and conditions for flow injection analysis were as described previously (Anal. Abstr., 1988, 50, 8D97). Both methods produced rectilinear calibration graphs but flow injection analysis had high blank responses due to interfering plasma components. Detection limits were 1.5 and 0.15 µg mL-1 by flow injection analysis and HPLC, respectively. Flow injection analysis is a good alternative to HPLC for determination of I in plasma for >1.5 µg mL-1.
Etoposide Blood Plasma HPLC Interferences Method comparison

"On The Response Of A Label-free Interferon-γ Immunosensor Utilizing Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy"
Biosens. Bioelectron. 2005 Volume 21, Issue 1 Pages 49-59
M. Bart, E.C.A. Stigter, H.R. Stapert, G.J. de Jong and W.P. van Bennekom

Abstract: The research on our flow-injection, label-free, non-faradaic impedimetric immunosensor for interferon-γ (IFN-γ) has been extended. The sensor is prepared by immobilization of anti-IFN-γ antibodies on a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of acetylcysteine, deposited on polycrystalline gold. A multi-frequency impedance method is described, which allows time-resolved measurement of Nyquist plots. To these plots, an equivalent circuit was fitted, which is discussed in terms of a two-layer structure (inner and outer layer) of the interfacial region. Because binding of IFN-γ mainly causes a decrease of Q (a constant-phase element), this element is considered as the outer layer. Several aspects of the impedimetric sensor response are studied, including the dependence on detection frequency, target concentration and applied dc potential. For quantitative detection of IFN-γ, an optimum of the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of the out-of-phase impedance component (Z'') was found at about 100 Hz. At a dc-potential of +0.2 V versus a saturated calomel reference electrode, the sensor response is higher than at 0.0 V. Logarithmic dose-response curves of IFN-γ in the concentration range of 10^-18 to 10^-9 M were obtained using two procedures: by successive injections over a single electrode, and by using freshly prepared electrodes for each measurement. Using the latter method, the repeatability is impaired. The need for in situ complementary techniques for a correct interpretation of the studied parameters is discussed.