University of North Florida
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Contact Info

Stuart Chalk, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
University of North Florida
Phone: 1-904-620-1938
Fax: 1-904-620-3535
Website: @unf

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Erich Uttenthaler

Uttenthaler, E.
Other Names:
Fraunhofer-Institute for Solid State Technology, Hansastrasse 27d, 80686 München, Germany
+49 (0)89 54759 100

Citations 2

"Characterization Of Immobilization Methods For African Swine Fever Virus Protein And Antibodies With A Piezoelectric Immunosensor"
Biosens. Bioelectron. 1998 Volume 13, Issue 12 Pages 1279-1286
Erich Uttenthaler*, Conrad Kößlinger and Stephan Drost

Abstract: A direct piezoelec. flow injection analysis immunoassay for the detection of African Swine Fever virus and antibodies is presented. The peptide-specific monoclonal antibody 18BG3 and the virus protein 73 were used for detection with a quartz crystal microbalance. Accumulation of the analyte on the surface of this mass-sensitive biosensor resulted in a shift of the resonant frequency. Highly selective receptor layers were applied on the sensing electrode of the quartz crystal for detection of the complementary analyte. Different immobilization methods proved to be appropriate for coating of the monoclonal antibody 18BG3. A quartz crystal covalently coated with the antibody 18BG3 detected virus protein VP73 samples more than 20 times and was stable for more than 30 days. The coating of virus protein was performed by physisorption. A sensor with a virus protein receptor layer detected antibody 18BG3 samples 10 times within one day. The sensor device was able to perform one measurement cycle including blocking and regeneration within 30 min. With the help of a suitable carrier liq., measurements with serum samples were performed. The calibration curves for measurements in buffer and in serum could be determined and the detection limits for virus protein detection were 0.31 and 1 µg/mL, and for antibody detection 0.1 and 0.2 µg/mL, respectively.
African swine fever virus Protein Antibodies Blood Serum Sensor Immunoassay Microbalance Apparatus Detector

"Quartz Crystal Biosensor For Detection Of The African Swine Fever Disease"
Anal. Chim. Acta 1998 Volume 362, Issue 1 Pages 91-100
Erich Uttenthaler*, Conrad Kößlinger and Stephan Drost

Abstract: An immunosensor for the detection of the African Swine Fever (ASF) disease in infected pigs is presented. A sensitive, direct immunoassay for measurements in diluted pig sera was established using the virus protein 73 (VP73) as a highly specific receptor layer for a mass sensitive piezoelec. quartz crystal. The fundamental sensor effect of this transducer is based on the linear dependence of the resonance frequency of an oscillating quartz crystal upon the binding of mass on the coated surface during the measurement. A quartz crystal which is coated with VP73 is an highly specific sensor and allows to detect the ASF-antibodies in the sample through mass accumulation on the surface of the quartz crystal. An appropriate immobilization technique for VP73 was established and a suitable carrier buffer for the flow injection analysis system was developed during this study. Regeneration of the receptor layer is possible for about ten times. With this quartz crystal microbalance, results were available within a few minutes and with a selectivity comparable to a licensed microtiterplate ELISA. Measurements with real pig serum samples have proven the suitability of the quartz crystal biosensor for the classification ofpositive and negative pig serum samples.
African swine fever virus Protein Serum Pig Microbalance Sensor Immunoassay Buffer Optimization Method comparison