University of North Florida
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Stuart Chalk, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
University of North Florida
Phone: 1-904-620-1938
Fax: 1-904-620-3535
Website: @unf

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Jens Tschmelak

Tschmelak, J.
Other Names:
Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (IPTC), Eberhard-Karls-University of Tuebingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 8, D-72076, Tuebingen, Germany

Citations 2

"Verification Of Performance With The Automated Direct Optical TIRF Immunosensor (River Analyser) In Single And Multi-analyte Assays With Real Water Samples"
Biosens. Bioelectron. 2004 Volume 20, Issue 4 Pages 743-752
Jens Tschmelak, Guenther Proll and Guenter Gauglitz

Abstract: In order to verify the reproducibility, precision, and robustness of the optical immunosensor River Analyser (RIANA), we investigated two common statistical methods to evaluate the limit of detection (LOD) and the limit of quantification (LOQ). Therefore, we performed a simultaneous multi-analyte calibration with atrazine, bisphenol A, and estrone in Milli-Q water. Using an automated biosensor, it was possible for the first time to achieve a LOD below 0.020 µg L-1 using a common statistically based method without sample pre-treatment and pre-concentration for each of the analytes in a simultaneous multi-analyte calibration. This biosensor setup shows values comparable to those obtained by more classical analytical methods. Based on this calibration, we measured spiked and un-spiked real water samples with complex matrices (samples from different water bodies, from ground water sources, and tap water samples). The comparison between our River Analyser and common analytical methods (like GC-MS and HPLC-DAD) shows overall comparable values for all three analytes. Furthermore, a calibration of isoproturon (IPU) (in single analyte mode) resulted in a LOD of 0.016 µg L-1, and a LOQ of 0.091 µg L-1. In compliance with guidelines of the Association of Analytical Communities International (AOAC), six out of nine recovery rates (recovery rate: measured concentration divided by real concentration in percent) for three surface water samples with different matrices (spiked and un-spiked) could be obtained between 70 and 120% (recovery rates between 70 and 120%, as demanded by the guidelines of the AOAC International). The reproducibility was checked by measuring replica of each sample within independent repetitions. Robustness could be demonstrated by long-term stability tests of the biosensor surface. These studies show that the biosensor used offers the necessary reproducibility, precision, and robustness required for an analytical method.

"Ultra-sensitive Fully Automated Immunoassay For Detection Of Propanil In Aqueous Samples: Steps Of Progress Toward Sub-nanogram Per Liter Detection"
Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2004 Volume 379, Issue 7-8 Pages 1004-1012
Jens Tschmelak, Guenther Proll and Guenter Gauglitz

Abstract: The widely-used pesticide propanil is a selective post-emergent general-use acetanilide herbicide registered for control of broadleaf and grass weeds in rice, small grain, and turf. Because broad application and quite heavy use of this herbicide lead to contaminated sites and, consequently, contaminated water, immunoanalytical methods with very low limits of detection (LOD) and low limits of quantification (LOQ) are becoming increasingly important for environmental analysis and, especially, for monitoring drinking-water quality. Environmental monitoring of pesticides, hormones, endocrine-disrupting chemicals, and antibiotics in aqueous samples (e.g. surface, ground, waste, or drinking water) with quite difficult matrices places large demands on chemical analysis. Biosensors have suitable characteristics such as efficiency in enabling very fast, sensitive, and cost-effective detection. Here we describe the steps of progress toward sub-nanogram per liter detection of propanil with a fully automated immunoassay. In contrast with common analytical methods such as GC-MS or HPLC-MS the biosensor used requires no sample pre-treatment and pre-concentration. The basis of our sensitive assay is an antibody with a high affinity constant toward propanil. During the optimization process, we compared different surface modifications (four different immobilized derivatives) and reduced the amount of antibody per sample. In fact, optimization of the assay resulted in an LOD of 0.6 ng L-1 and an LOQ of 4.5 ng L-1 without any sample pre-treatment and without pre-concentration. These results for propanil with the RIANA instrument, and its improved sensitivity for detection of a single pesticide at the low nanogram per liter range, show that biosensors can compete with common analytical methods in the field of water analysis.