University of North Florida
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Contact Info

Stuart Chalk, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
University of North Florida
Phone: 1-904-620-1938
Fax: 1-904-620-3535
Website: @unf

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David N. Reinhoudt

Reinhoudt, D.N.
Other Names:
Department of Supramolecular Chemistry and Technology, MESA Research Institute, University of Twente, PO Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands

Citations 3

"Detection Of Heavy-metal Ions By ISFETs In A Flow Injection Analysis Cell"
Sens. Actuat. B 1992 Volume 6, Issue 1 Pages 304-307
P. L. H. M. Cobbenb, a, R. J. M. Egberinka, J. Bomerb, J. R. Haaka, P. Bergveldb and D. N. Reinhoudta,*

Abstract: A CHEMFET (chemically modified field-effect transistor) for detecting Cd2+ in solution was obtained by chemically modifying an ISFET with NNN'N'-tetrabutyl-3,6-dioxaoctanedithioamide in a cyanopropyl-modified polysiloxane membrane. The CHEMFET had a Nernstian response (30 mV per decade) to a change in Cd2+ activity when tested in the presence of 100 mM Ca(NO3)2. There was also a Nernstian response with K, Cu and Pb as interfering salts; selectivity coefficient are given. The CHEMFET also gave a Nernstian response to change in Cd2+ activity when used in a flow injection system without polymeric encapsulation of the CHEMFET. An ion-selective field-effect transistor (ISFET) is chemical modified with a photopolymerizable and cyanopropyl modified polysiloxane containing N,N,N',N'-tetrabutyl-3,6-dioxaoctanedithioamide as Cd2+ ionophore. This CHEMFET (chem. modified FET) has a Nernstian response (30 mV/decade) to a change of cadmium activity in aqueous solutions Selectivity coefficients of the CHEMFET towards potassium, calcium, copper, and lead are given. Preliminary results of the CHEMFET in a flow injection analysis cell without wire bonding and polymeric encapsulation are presented.
Metals, heavy Field effect transistor Field effect transistor Interferences Selectivity

"Potentiometric Anion Selective Sensors"
Electroanalysis 1999 Volume 11, Issue 14 Pages 1035-1048
Martijn M.G. Antonisse, David N. Reinhoudt

Abstract: In comparison with selective receptors (and sensors) for cationic species, work on the selective complexation and detection of anions is of more recent date. There are three important components for a sensor, a transducer element, a membrane material that separates the transducer element and the aqueous solution, and the receptor molecule that introduces the selectivity. This review dears with potentiometric transduction elements that convert membrane potentials into a signal. The structure and properties of membrane materials is discussed. The nature of the anion receptor ultimately determines the selectivity. Both coordination chemistry and hydrogen bonding have been used to design anion receptor molecules. The integration of all three elements by covalent linkage of all elements in durable sensorsystem concludes the review.

"Chemically Modified Ion-sensitive Field-effect Transistors: Elimination Of The Liquid Junction Potential In A Double-sensor Flow Injection Analysis Cell"
Anal. Chim. Acta 1993 Volume 276, Issue 2 Pages 347-352
Peter L. H. M. Cobben, Richard J. M. Egberink, Johan G. Bomer, Robert Schouwenaar, Zbigniew Brzozka, Martinus Bos, Piet Bergveld and David N. Reinhoudt*,

Abstract: The ISFET were made as previously reported by Van der Wal et al. (Ibid., 1990, 231, 41), but with modifications for use in flow cells, and two of the devices were mounted in close proximity in a flow-through cell made from Perspex. A hydrogel was applied to the gate oxide of the ISFET and Na+-, K+- and Pb2+-sensitive membranes were prepared. Measurements were made with a K+-sensitive ISFET in a fixed excess of Na+ (Na+-sensitive ISFET as reference) and with a Pb2+-sensitive ISFET in a fixed excess of K+ (K+-sensitive ISFET as reference). In both instances the differential signal gave a Nerstian response.
Sodium Potassium Lead Field effect transistor Sensor Membrane