University of North Florida
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Stuart Chalk, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
University of North Florida
Phone: 1-904-620-1938
Fax: 1-904-620-3535
Website: @unf

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H. Poppe

Poppe, H.
Other Names:
Laboratory for Analytical Chemistry, University of Amsterdam, Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, 1018 WV Amsterdam The Netherlands

Citations 5

"Noise And Drift Phenomena In Amperometric And Coulometric Detectors For HPLC And Flow Injection Analysis"
J. Liq. Chromatogr. Relat. Technol. 1983 Volume 6, Issue 12 Pages 2231-2254
H. W. Van Rooijen; H. Poppe

Abstract: The cited phenomena in electrochemical detectors with solid electrodes are investigated. A relationship between the capacity of the working electrode and detector noise is demonstrated by direct correlation, measurement of time correlation functions, and electrical simulation of cell properties. Means of improving detection limits are indicated, e.g., appropriate choice of electronic equipment and the material and effective area of the electrode.
Amperometry Coulometry HPLC Electrode Signal noise Signal drift

"The Performance Of Some Liquid Phase Flow-through Detectors"
Anal. Chim. Acta 1983 Volume 145, Issue 1 Pages 17-26
H. Poppe

Abstract: Miniaturization of flow-through analytical systems such as flow injection analysis and liquid chromatography is necessary to achieve higher rates of sample throughput and smaller absolute detection limits. During this miniaturization, however, it is essential to preserve the concentration detection limits of the devices used. Some principles for liquid phase flow-through detection, u.v.-visible absorption photometry, fluorimetry and electrochemical detection, are discussed from this point of view. It appears that, although technical difficulties will be large, there are good prospects of detecting concentrations of about 1 ng mL-1, while keeping the peak broaadening down to values of about 1 nl.
Electrode Fluorescence Spectrophotometry General Theory Apparatus Detector Miniaturization

"An Electrochemical Reactivation Method For Solid Electrodes Used In Electrochemical Detectors For High Performance Liquid Chromatography And Flow Injection Analysis"
Anal. Chim. Acta 1981 Volume 130, Issue 1 Pages 9-22
H. W. Van Rooijen and H. Poppe

Abstract: An electrochemical reactivation method for solid electrodes used in electrochemical detectors is optimized for glassy carbon electrodes. Application of a voltage pulse train for 5 min is effective in restoring the response of the electrode after deactivation by organic compounds. Potassium hexacyanoferrate(II) and DL-synephrine were used to test the reactivation of electrodes; 2,6-dihydroxybenzoic acid and urine served to deactivate them. The effects of the amplitude, DC level, and frequency of the applied voltage pulse train, as well as the mode of termination, are discussed.
HPLC Electrode Potentiometry Apparatus Detector Theory

"Transport Phenomena In Flow Injection Analysis Without Chemical Reaction"
Anal. Chim. Acta 1981 Volume 126, Issue 1 Pages 1-3
J. M. Reijn, W. E. Van Der Linden and H. Poppe

Abstract: Dispersion phenomena play a very important role in flow injection analysis. In this paper, physical transport phenomena in flow injection methods are discussed. Three different types of reactor - a straight tube, a helically coiled tube and a new single bead string reactor - are compared. Under similar flow conditions, the dispersion in the single bead string reactor is the lowest. The specific advantages of single bead string reactors are their very simple preparation and maintenance and the good reproducibility of the peaks. It is shown that in open capillary tubes (coiled or not) the Taylor dispersion equation is of very limited use, because the residence times are too short, and because secondary flow occurs in the case of coiled tubes.
Theory Diffusion Dispersion Single bead string reactor Straight tube Helically coiled tube

"Characterization And Design Of Liquid Phase Flow-through Detector Systems"
Anal. Chim. Acta 1980 Volume 114, Issue 1 Pages 59-70
H. Poppe

Abstract: Characterization of liquid phase flow-through detection systems as used in column liquid chromatography and flow injection analysis is discussed. Linear range, selectivity, peak broadening and detection limit are the most important characteristics. Peak broadening is treated with the aid of the concepts of systems analysis. The total peak broadening effect is given as the sum of contributions from connecting tubes or reactors, measuring volume and time constants in electronics and transducers. The influence of noise and signal frequency content on the precision of analytical results is treated qualitatively. The detection limit of a flow-through detection system is defined, taking these effects into account qualitatively. These characteristics are related to the performance of the whole analytical system with regard to concentration detection limit, absolute detection limit and maximum sample frequency.
LC Electrode General Review Theory Linear dynamic range