University of North Florida
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Contact Info

Stuart Chalk, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
University of North Florida
Phone: 1-904-620-1938
Fax: 1-904-620-3535
Website: @unf

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Danut Ionel Vaireanu

Vaireanu, D.I.
Other Names:
Danut-Ionel Vaireanu
Facultatea Chim Ind, Univ Politehn Bucuresti, Bucharest, Romania

Citations 4

"Modular Electrochemical Cell Used For Flow-injection Analysis"
Rev. Chim. 2001 Volume 52, Issue 3 Pages 130-133
Vaireanu, D.I.;Simion, A.;Olteanu, C.

Abstract: A modular electrochemical flow-through cell was used in connection with a flow injection analysis system. The cell is based on various electrode modules such as platinised platinium, bright platinum, silver/silver chloride, etc. held in OMNIFIT connectors. The cell configuration can be easily chanced front a conductometric one into an ammperometric configuration by changing certain designated electrode modules. The cell exhibits a signal to noise ratio of 732 folds for a 0.1 M KCl sample in a conductometric configuration.

"Digital Acquisition Of Signals From Electrochemical Cells By Virtual Instruments"
Rev. Chim. 2000 Volume 51, Issue 12 Pages 983-985
Vaireanu, D.I.

Abstract: A conductometric microcell with platinum electrodes connected to a processing system with injection was used for the acquisition of digital signals in form of voltage, current or frequency from an electrochemical cell. The data acquisition rate was 0.1-100 measurements/s. The advantages of the digital data collection as compared to graphic systems are related to their higher reliability in conductometric determination of solutions as a function of their concentration. The reproducibility of the experimental data is characterized by very good average standard deviation of 0.62%. (SFS)
Conductometry Data acquisition Detector Instrumentation

"Model For Numerical Simulation Of Peaks In A Flow Injection Analysis System"
Rev. Chim. 2000 Volume 51, Issue 11 Pages 885-888
Vaireanu, D.I.

Abstract: The use of statistics and simulation of the flow injection analysis (FIA) is recommended for determination of the essential characteristics of the peaks with any shape or configuration, with provisions for availability of initial experimental data in the system or information about the FIA components (microwave, flux and injection vol, etc.). The dispersion coefficient was determined with reasonable error margins as well as the image of the of the peaks. The experimental data are related to KCl as flux carrier and K4Fe(CN)6 as electrochemically active specimen. (SFS)
Ferrocyanide Spectrophotometry Simulation Peak shape

"Dispersion Evaluation In Variable Volume. Modular Electrochemical Cells, Used In The Analysis System By Direct Flow Injection"
Rev. Chim. 2000 Volume 51, Issue 10 Pages 758-762
Vaireanu, D.I.

Abstract: An experimental method is proposed that may be used to assess the individual contribution of electrochemical cells of variable volume towards the overall dispersion coefficient in a flow injection analysis (FIA) system and its dependence on various geometric and hydrodynamic parameters. The individual contribution is expressed as an amplification factor taken as the ratio of Ruzickas dispersion coefficient measured in the presence of the investigated cell introduced in a flow injection analysis system and in the absence of the above said cell, It was found experimentally that for the given FIA and electrochemical cell of variable volume this amplification factor increases with increasing the cell volume and increasing the flow rate.