University of North Florida
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Stuart Chalk, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
University of North Florida
Phone: 1-904-620-1938
Fax: 1-904-620-3535
Website: @unf

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J. Michalowski

Michalowski, J.
Other Names:
Institute of Chemistry, University of Bialystok, al. J. Pilsudskiego 11/4, 15-443 Bialystok, Poland

Citations 5

"Flow Injection Chemiluminescence Determination Of Epinephrine In Pharmaceutical Preparations Using Raw Apple Juice As Enzyme Source"
Talanta 2001 Volume 55, Issue 6 Pages 1165-1171
J. Michałowski and P. Hałaburda

Abstract: Raw apple juice exhibits the activity of polyphenol oxidase which can be employed for the determination of mono-, di- and polyhydric phenols. The chemiluminescence detection in the two-channel manifold was used to develop the new procedure for determination of epinephrine. Epinephrine can be determined by this method in pharmaceutical preparations in concentration ranges 1.0-10.0 and 10.0-25.0 mg l-1, with a detection limit of 0.2 mg l-1. Good selectivity against typical antioxidants and other coexisting substances was achieved. Relatively slow loss of the enzyme activity was observed during 1 week. The proposed method is very simple. Fresh juice solution from one apple can be prepared in 10 min and used for at least 8 h with excellent precision. Consumption of luminol solution was 0.15 mL min-1. The throughput was 20 samples per hour.

"Use Of Amino-carbonyl Reaction And Chemiluminescence Detection To The Flow Injection Determination Of Some Amino Acids"
Talanta 2001 Volume 54, Issue 1 Pages 107-113
J. Michałowski and A. Kojło

Abstract: Some amino acids were found to react with carbonyl functional groups of humic acid. Products of this reaction give strong chemiluminescence during their oxidation with N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) in alkaline solution. Humic acids from different sources produced similiar signal magnitude. This effect was employed to the flow injection determination of glycine and arginine in pharmaceutical formulations with considerable selectivity against different amino compounds. The proposed method is fast and simple. Detection limit is 0.20 and 0.25 mg L-1 for glycine and arginine respectively, and 115 samples per h can be determined.

"Flow-injection Chemiluminescence Determination Of Epinephrine In Pharmaceutical Formulations Using N-bromosuccinimide As Oxidant"
Chem. Anal. 2002 Volume 47, Issue 2 Pages 267-274
J. Michalowski, A. Kojlo and O.A. Estrela

Abstract: A novel flow-injection method for the determination of epinephrine (adrenaline) in pharmaceutical preparations is proposed. Detection of the drug is based on the measurement of the chemiluminescence produced by its direct oxidation with N-bromosuccinimide in alkaline medium. The detection limit of epinephrine in the optimized system is 6 mg L-1 and the calibration graph is linear over the range 6-200 mg L-1. The interference of the different concomitant compounds usually present in pharmaceutical formulations was investigated. Among them, only strong reducing agents like ascorbic acid or formaldehyde can create problems when they are present in the sample at concentration higher than 10 mg L-1. Using the developed method, 40 samples per hour can be determined.

"Determination Of Phenols In Natural Waters With A Flow-analysis Method And Chemiluminescence Detection"
Anal. Lett. 2000 Volume 33, Issue 7 Pages 1373-1386
Jacek Michalowski; Piotr Halaburda; Anatol Kojlo

Abstract: A simple now-manifold with time based sample introduction system was elaborated and used to determine phenols in natural waters. Use of computer controlled solenoid valves and direct chemiluminescence detection enables very low reagent consumption. A quantity of less than 1.5 µmol of potassium permanganate and 600 µmol of sulphuric acid per determination is used. The use of on-line pre-concentration column filled with XAD-4 resin enables determination with the detection limit of 5 ng mL-1. The sample throughput is 12 h-1 when the column is used and 60 h-1 without a column.
Multicommutation Multicommutation Preconcentration

"Determination Of Humic Acid In Natural Waters By Flow Injection Analysis With Chemiluminescence Detection"
Anal. Chim. Acta 2001 Volume 438, Issue 1-2 Pages 143-148
J. Michałowski, P. Hałaburda and A. Kojło

Abstract: A fast and sensitive direct chemiluminescence flow injection procedure for determination of humic acid in natural waters was developed. N-blamosuccinimide (NBS) after on-line hydrolysis was used as a reagent evolving chemiluminescence by the oxidation of humic acid. Use of glycine as a sensitizer enhances the signal magnitude about 100 times. The detection limit is 0.012 mgr L-1 and 180 samples per hour can be determined. Almost all substances occurring in typical fresh water at normal level do not disturb the determination. Only phenols with one hydroxyl group are serious interferents, which were removed by evaporation.