Contact Info
Stuart Chalk, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
University of North Florida
Phone: 1-904-620-1938
Fax: 1-904-620-3535
Website: @unf
Hungarian Journal of Industrial Chemistry
- Publisher:
- FAD Code: HJIC
- ISSN: 0133-0276
- Abbreviation: Hung. J. Ind. Chem.
- DOI Prefix: NA
- Language: Hungarian
- Comments: Fulltext from 1976 V1
Citations 1
"Application Of The Impulse Moment Method To Two-phase Continuous-flow Systems Combined With A First Order Interfacial Reaction"
Hung. J. Ind. Chem.
1987 Volume 15, Issue 1 Pages 83-92
Pethõ A.
An isothermal one-dimensional reactor of infinite length is considered where two co-current phases flow with different rates also containing a solute. Interfacial reaction between the solutes, as well as axial diffusion with different diffusitivities are assumed to take place. Defining the overall flux as the response in such a system, the impulse response is, as a rule, equal to the density of the residence time distribution. A straightforward algorithm to determine the asymptotic semi-invariants of the impulse response for large values of the axial coordinate is given.
Organic solvent