University of North Florida
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Contact Info

Stuart Chalk, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
University of North Florida
Phone: 1-904-620-1938
Fax: 1-904-620-3535
Website: @unf

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Fortschritte der Atomspektrom Spurenanalyse

  • Publisher:
  • FAD Code: FATS
  • ISSN: 0000-FATS
  • Abbreviation: Fortschr. Atomspektrom. Spurenanal.
  • DOI Prefix: NA
  • Language: German

Citations 2

"Rapid Online Enrichment For Atomic Absorption Spectrometry"
Fortschr. Atomspektrom. Spurenanal. 1986 Volume 2, Issue 1 Pages 261-274
Schulze, G.;Elsholz, O.

Abstract: Flow-injection anal. (FIA), well known for high sampling rates and good precision, is coupled with AAS. The sample capillary tube of the injection valve is replaced by a column filled with Chelex-100 ion exchanger. In the sample insert position of the valve, heavy metals are retained by the ion-exchange column. After changing the position of the valve, HNO3 (2 mol/L) elutes the heavy metal ions directly into the atomic absorption spectrometer. The various parameters, such as, flow rate, volume of enrichment, inner diameter of column, and amt. of Chelex-100 are optimized. To analyze at least 4 samples at a time, a small plastic cylinder-type device is used, which contains 6 microcolumns. The enrichment takes place in 4 microcolumns, and, at the same time, heavy metals are eluted by HNO3 from one column and the exchange resin of another column is regenerated. Thus, the device developed allows 34 samples/h to be analyzed, and sensitivity is improved 100-fold. (SFS)
Metals, heavy Ion exchange Spectrophotometry Chelex Optimization

"Preconcentration Of Trace Metals For Their Determination With ICP-AES"
Fortschr. Atomspektrom. Spurenanal. 1984 Volume 1, Issue 1 Pages 491-499
Vos, Gerrit; Van Dordrecht, Peter; Ten Bras, Petrus W. (SFS)

Abstract: Trace metals were determined in natural waters by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) after pre-concentration by ion exchange or solvent extraction Chelex 100 [11139-85-8] gave better recoveries of Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb than Amberlite IR 120 [9002-23-7] or 8-hydroxyquinoline [148-24-3] immobilized on SiO2. However, CHCl3 extraction with 4-ethyl-1,2,4-triazole [43183-55-7]/Na diethyldithiocarbamate (I) [148-18-5] or ammonium pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate [5108-96-3]/I gave better results. (SFS)
Metals, trace Manganese Cobalt Copper Nickel Zinc Cadmium Environmental Ion exchange Spectrophotometry Sample preparation Preconcentration Solvent extraction Chelex Amberlite 8-Hydroxyquinoline Diethyldithiocarbamate Pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate