Contact Info
Stuart Chalk, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
University of North Florida
Phone: 1-904-620-1938
Fax: 1-904-620-3535
Website: @unf
Chemical Industry Digest
- Publisher:
- FAD Code: CHID
- ISSN: 0971-5266
- Abbreviation: Chem. Ind. Dig.
- DOI Prefix: NA
- Language: English
Citations 1
"Flow Injection Analysis"
Chem. Ind. Dig.
1994 Volume 7, Issue 1 Pages 113-115
Ram, R.C.
A review with no references. Flow injection analysis (FIA) is a technique used to automate wet chemical analyzes. FIA uses an unsegmented anal. stream (no air bubbles are introduced into the stream) into which highly reproducible volumes of sample are injected. The principles behind FIA are reviewed along with its applications. A comparison is also made between FIA and its counterpart, segmented flow anal. (SFA). (SFS)
Manifold comparison
Segmented flow
Method comparison