University of North Florida
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Stuart Chalk, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
University of North Florida
Phone: 1-904-620-1938
Fax: 1-904-620-3535
Website: @unf

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Review of Scientific Instruments

  • Publisher:
  • FAD Code: RVST
  • ISSN: 0034-6748
  • Abbreviation: Rev. Sci. Instrum.
  • DOI Prefix: 10.1063/1.1
  • Language: English
  • Comments: Abstracts available from 1930 v1

Citations 5

"Characterization Of A Flow-through Microcalorimeter For Measuring The Heat Production Of Cardiac Trabeculae"
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 2005 Volume 76, Issue 10 Pages 4902-4908
A. J. Taberner, I. W. Hunter, R. S. Kirton, P. M. F. Nielsen, and D. S. Loiselle

Abstract: The energy consumption of isolated cardiac trabeculae can be inferred from measurements of their heat production. Once excised from the heart, to remain viable, trabeculae require continuous superfusion with an oxygen- and nutrient-rich solution. Flow-through calorimeters enable trabeculae to be maintained in a stable and controlled environment for many hours at a time. In this paper we describe and characterize a flow-through microcalorimeter, with sensitivity in the 1 µW range, for measuring the heat output of 10 µg cardiac trabeculae. The device uses infrared-sensitive, thin-film thermopile sensors to provide a noncontact method for measuring temperature differences. The sensors are capable of resolving 5 µK temperature differences within the superfusing fluid. The microcalorimeter has a sensitivity of 2.56 V/W at a flow rate of 1 µL/s, with a time constant of approximately 3.5 s. The sensitivity and time constant are strongly dependent upon the flow rate. Predictions of a finite-element model of the calorimeter's characteristics compare favorably with measured data over a wide range of flow rates. ©2005 American Institute of Physics
Calorimetry Instrumentation

"Flow Injection System For The Scanning Tunneling Microscope"
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1995 Volume 66, Issue 8 Pages 4150-4156
J. D. Noll, P. G. Van Patten, M. A. Nicholson, K. Booksh, and M. L. Myrick

Abstract: A flow injection scanning tunneling microscopy (FISTM) system is described and characterized which permits observation of surface chemical processes. This modification to a standard scanning tunneling microscope consists of a peristaltic pump attached via a manual HPLC-type flow injector to a constant-volume sample cell. Images recorded as fluids continuously exchange in the cell are reported. Evidence supports that analytes are transported into the tip region through a stagnant fluid domain by diffusion from the adjacent, circulating bulk solution. Electrochemical measurements of the exposed tip surface area and rates of diffusion of analytes are presented and interpreted. Erosion of contaminants on a gold surface exposed to hydrogen peroxide was observed using FISTM, and these results are presented. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.
Microscopy Apparatus Theory

"Continuous-flow-probe Method For Online Introduction Of Liquid Samples For Detection By Laser Desorption With Resonant Two-photon Ionization In Supersonic Beam Mass Spectrometry"
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1991 Volume 62, Issue 4 Pages 957-962
David A. Lustig and David M. Lubman

Abstract: Liquid sample was injected into a time-of-flight (TOF) MS instrument via a continuous-flow probe (diagram given) which was coupled to a laser for rapid vaporization and entrainment of the sample into a supersonic jet expansion. The sample was then analyzed by resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization in the TOF device. The method was applied in the analysis of thermally labile biological samples, e.g., neurotransmitters and oligopeptides with quantitation over three orders of magnitude and sensitivity limits in the low ng level.
Oligopeptides Biological Mass spectrometry Laser

"Transit-time Flow Meter For Measuring Millilitre-per-minute Liquid Flow"
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1988 Volume 59, Issue 2 Pages 314-317
Canqian Yang, M. Kümmel, and H. Søeberg

Abstract: In the meter, a heater, supplied with a square-wave voltage, transmits square waves of heat to the liquid flow upstream, generating periodic temperature fluctuations downstream, which are detected by two temperature sensors. The fundamental frequency phase shift of the temperature signal is proportional to the reciprocal mean velocity of the fluid. The meter is capable of measuring liquid flow as low as 0.1 mL min-1, with an accuracy better than 0.2%, and could be used to measure and control the small liquid flow in micro-channels in flow injection analysis.
Apparatus Flow rate measurement

"Flow Cytometry"
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1984 Volume 55, Issue 9 Pages 1375-1400
John A. Steinkamp

Abstract: Flow cytometry instrumentation developed from early efforts to count cells and particles in liquid suspension as they passed through a sensing device. Since the mid-1960's sophisticated instruments have been designed for analyzing cells based on various cytological, biochemical, and functional properties. These instruments have revolutionized automated cell analysis methods in that measurements are made at high speed, multiparameter data is correlated on each cell, statistical precision is high, and cells are separated in high purity from heterogeneous mixtures for identification and functional analysis. Advanced instruments capable of measuring cell volume, surface area, multicolor fluorescence, fluorescence polarization, light scatter within various angular regions, and axial light loss (extinction) at different wavelengths are being used in biomedical research for analyzing and sorting normal and abnormal cell populations. This article reviews the development of flow cytometers, the conceptual basis of flow measurements, and discusses some of the numerous applications of the technology in biology and medicine.
Flow cytometry