University of North Florida
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Contact Info

Stuart Chalk, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
University of North Florida
Phone: 1-904-620-1938
Fax: 1-904-620-3535
Website: @unf

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Sodium hydroxide

  • IUPAC Name: sodium;hydroxide
  • Molecular Formula: HNaO
  • CAS Registry Number: 1310-73-2
  • InChI: InChI=1S/Na.H2O/h;1H2/q+1;/p-1

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Citations 8

"Theoretical And Practical Aspects Of Acid-base Determinations By Spectrophotometric Flow Injection Analysis"
Anal. Chim. Acta 1988 Volume 206, Issue 1-2 Pages 333-337
Yecheskel Israel

Abstract: A simple mathematical treatment is applied to the instantaneous acid - base equilibria prevailing at the peak maxima for acid - base indicators when used as reagents in spectrophotometric flow injection determinations. Equations are derived relating the absorbance, the fraction of the relevant form of the indicator and the rate of change of either form with the initial concentration. of the analyte and other relevant parameters. Criteria are set for the choice of reagent/indicator combinations likely to yield rectilinear absorbance/concentration. dependence for general and special instances. Suitable conditions are described for the determination of HCl, H3PO4, acetic acid, NaOH and ethanolamine. Least-squares treatment of data yielded coefficient of variation of 0.5% over a reasonably wide concentration. range. The highest throughput of samples achieved was 144 h-1.
Spectrophotometry Theory

"Flow Injection Coulometric Titrations"
Talanta 1992 Volume 39, Issue 3 Pages 285-292
Richard H. Taylor, Jaromir Rika* and Gary D. Christian*,

Abstract: The system comprised a gradient chamber, a reagent-generation chamber and a detector flow cell, to and from which light was transmitted by optical fibers (illustrated). The method was demonstrated by the titration of 0.5 mM to 4 M NaOH and 5 mM to 15 M HNO3 with a carrier of 0.5 M Na2SO4 containing 0.04% of bromothymol blue as indicator. The coefficient of variation (n 3) were from 0.3 to 2.9%. A flow injection analysis technique based on stop flow coulometric titrns. is described, utilizing a gradient chamber, reagent generation chamber, and detector flow cell integrated into a single unit. The use of stop flow allowed for automated sample dilution up to a factor of 100 times. The system has been used to titrate samples of sodium hydroxide in the range 5 x 10^-4-4M, and nitric acid ranging from 5 x 10^-3-15M. Analyses over the entire range of concentrations yielded a relative standard deviation of less than 3%. A correlation coefficient of 0.999 was obtained for all comparisons with manual titrns. Remote spectrophotometric detection was performed with optical fibers. No frit or membrane is required to sep. the generating and counter electrodes within the system, yet the advantages of conventional coulometric titration, which eliminate the problems of reagent and calibration solution handling, storage or degrdn., are retained.
Coulometry Spectrophotometry Titrations Mixing chamber Stopped-flow Electrochemical reagent generation Optical fiber

"Some Applications Of Enthalpimetric Detection In Flow Injection Analysis"
Fresenius J. Anal. Chem. 1987 Volume 329, Issue 4 Pages 440-443
W. E. van der Linden Contact Information, M. Bos, H. H. Heskamp and H. Wilms

Abstract: A flow-through arrangement of thermistors for detecting heat changes due to chemical reactions was included in a flow injection system. Changes of 0.001°C could be measured reproducibly. Working ranges of analyte concentration. depended on reaction enthalpy and varied from 1 mM to 10 M for acids and bases and 10 to 1000 ppm for, e.g., alkylhydroperoxides. Typical signals are presented for NaOH (reaction with HCl), Ca(II) (EDTA determination), H2O2, t-butyl hydroperoxide and cumyl hydroperoxide (SO2 reduction in presence of amine).
Enthalpimetry Thermistor Apparatus Review Temperature

"Flow Injection Analysis Of Concentrated Aqueous Solution Of Strong Acids And Bases"
Anal. Sci. 1985 Volume 1, Issue 5 Pages 481-482

Abstract: The sample solution (e.g., 7.32 M H2SO4 or 6.97 M NaOH) is injected into a carrier stream of water, which then merges with a stream of 3 M acetic acid - 3 M Na acetate containing 20 µM-methyl red. The absorbance change at 520 nm and the potential change of a glass electrode in the flow path are monitored. The peak heights are almost rectilinearly related to concentration. of H2SO4 up to 4 M or NaOH up to 7M, and the method is also applicable to H3PO4. For 7 M NaOH, the coefficient of variation was 0.8% (n = 10). The procedure can be used for intermittent analyzes or continuous monitoring.
Electrode Electrode

"Development Of A Novel Detector For Flow Injection Analysis Based On Optical Beam Deflection Induced By The Reaction Heat"
Anal. Sci. 1994 Volume 10, Issue 1 Pages 203-205

Abstract: A flow reaction cell is described in which the lower part contained CCl4 and an aqueous HCl solution was passed above the organic phase. A probe beam produced by a He-Ne laser of wavelength 632.8 nm was passed through the CCl4 phase at a distance of 1 mm from its interface with water, and the deflection of the beam was measured by a knife-edge and photodiode system. The 2.5 cm high, 2 mm wide cell was constructed from silanized glass sheets. As a model reaction, aqueous NaOH was injected into the HCl flow line at 0.5 ml/min, and the neutralization heat was transferred to the CCl4 phase, generating a temperature gradient. This induced a RI gradient which in turn generated a deflection in the probe beam. The deflection signal was proportional to the concentration of NaOH from 0.05-0.5 M for 100 µL injected, and the detection limit was 0.05 M NaOH or 5 µmol.
Environmental Spectrophotometry Photodiode

"Several Factors Affecting The Detection Sensitivity Of The Reaction Heat-induced Optical Beam Deflection Method"
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 1996 Volume 69, Issue 12 Pages 3423-3428
Xing-Zheng Wu*, Hideki Kitatani, Katsumi Uchiyama, and Toshiyuki Hobo

Abstract: In order to improve the detection sensitivity of the reaction heat-induced optical beam deflection method, the experimental factors that affect the detection sensitivity were investigated in detail. Firstly, different types of deflection detectors were compared. The experimental results showed that the bi-cell photodiode detector is most sensitive to the deflection signal. Secondly, the effect of the size of the reaction cell on the detection sensitivity was investigated. A small reaction cell gave a stable baseline and small noise in flow injection experiments, and thus gave a high detection sensitivity. Thirdly, the effects of the optical arrangements on the detection sensitivity were investigated. Focusing the probe beam close to the gold film/CCl4 interface enhanced the detection sensitivity. Also, refocusing the deflected probe beam improved the sensitivity. Under the selected experimental conditions, the detection of the neutralization reaction between HCl and NaOH at sub-nanomol level became possible. Further improvements are also discussed. 26 References
Spectrometry Flowcell Optimization Photodiode

"New Automatic Micro-titration Method"
Fenxi Huaxue 1994 Volume 22, Issue 5 Pages 482-484
Tan, A.M.;Ma, W.P.;Xu, Y.C.;Mao, A.Z.;Huang, J.L.;Xu, J.H.;Zhao, X.N.

Abstract: The design and construction of an automatic micro-titrator, based on the classical titration principle and FIA instruments, is presented. Advantages of this method are: simple, rapid, requiring only small amounts of reagent and sample as well as being more accurate and precise than FIA since its readout is linearly related to concentration of the analyte. The method was used in titration of NaOH with HCl, with RSD of 0.4%. As a practical example, it was also employed in analysis of NaOH/Na2O from a foundry; results agreed closely with those obtained by the chemical method.
Sodium oxide Titrations Method comparison

"Online Analysis Of Caustic Streams By Near Infrared Spectroscopy"
Spectroscopy 1987 Volume 2, Issue 1 Pages 44-48
Watson, E.;Baughman, E.H.

Abstract: The application of near-IR spectrometry in the range 1.5 to 2.4 µm can, with careful choice of analytical and reference wavelengths to obtain the appropriate concentration. range and to avoid interferences by foreign species, be a convenient and useful method for determination of NaOH in, e.g., waste waters and acid-gas scrubbers.
Waste Industrial Spectrophotometry Interferences