University of North Florida
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Contact Info

Stuart Chalk, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
University of North Florida
Phone: 1-904-620-1938
Fax: 1-904-620-3535
Website: @unf

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  • IUPAC Name: scandium
  • Molecular Formula: Sc
  • CAS Registry Number: 7440-20-2
  • InChI: InChI=1S/Sc

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Citations 4

"Ultratrace Analysis Of Antarctic Snow And Ice Samples Using High Resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry"
J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 1998 Volume 13, Issue 5 Pages 463-468
Ashley T. Townsend and Ross Edwards

Abstract: High resolution ICP-MS was used to determine the concentrations of Al, Sc, V, Mn, Fe, Co, Pb and Bi in snow and ice from Antarctica. To overcome some potentially problematic spectral interferences, measurements were acquired in both low and medium resolution modes. Small sample volumes were analyzed using a microconcentric nebulizer. After rigorous instrument cleaning and sample preparation, detection levels in the low and sub-pg g-1 range (0.3-48 pg g-1) were found for all elements. Concentration. values were determined for a continental snow, sea ice snow and a representative ice core. Concentration. ranges for all snow samples (n = 25) were (in pg g-1): Al (30-2000), V (2-16), Mn (2-30) and Fe (30-1500), while Sc and Co were typically below detection or blank limits. The ice core sample had Al, Mn, Fe and Pb concentrations of 90, 7, 110 and 1 pg g-1, respectively, while Sc, V, Co and Bi could not be quantified (below detection or blank limits). The reliability of the analytical method for Fe was confirmed by flow injection analysis with spectrophotometric detection.
Ice Snow Mass spectrometry Interferences Method comparison

"Flow Injection Analysis Spectrophotometric Determination Of Scandium In Rocks With A New Chromogenic Reagent Chlorophosphonazo-pB"
Fenxi Ceshi Tongbao 1990 Volume 9, Issue 5 Pages 78-81
Qiu Ruolan;Xiao Jinrong;Chen Daren;He Ling;Wu Bincai

Abstract: A new color reaction of Sc with chlorophosphonago-pB (CPA-pB) has been studied. By normal operation of spectrophotometry, the molar absorptivity is 7.0 x 10^-4 L mol-1 cm-1, and Beer's law is obeyed in the range of 7-18 µg Sc2O3/25 ml at 740 nm. By flow injection analysis spectrophotometric method associated with micro-computer, the Linear range is expanded to 5-45 µg Sc2O3/25 ml. The FIA is rapid, automatic, good accuracy and high repeatability, This method can be used to determine the Sc in the rock.
Geological Spectrophotometry Chromogenic reagent Computer

"Study Of Flow Injection Analysis - Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic-emission Spectrometry. 4. Rapid Method For The Determination Of Trace Scandium"
Fenxi Huaxue 1990 Volume 18, Issue 12 Pages 1152-1154
Chen, H.;Jiang, Z.C.;Lai, Z.;Liao, Z.H.

Abstract: Trace Sc in technological processing solution is determined by the cited method (details given) in the presence of matrix elements (30 mg mL-1 of Fe and 10 mg mL-1 of Ti). Interference from matrix elements is investigated, and conventional and flow injection analysis sample introduction methods are compared. For the injection of a 0.5 mL portion of sample solution with detection at 363.075 nm, the detection limit was 8.4 ng mL-1 of Sc and coefficient of variation (n = 12) were 2.5%.
Industrial Spectrophotometry Interferences Detection limit Method comparison

"Combination Of Hydrodynamic Injection And A Displacement Reaction In Flow Injection Analysis For The Indirect Spectrophotometric Detection Of Scandium Aquo-ions"
J. Anal. Chem. 1995 Volume 50, Issue 2 Pages 136-141
Kuznetsov, V.V.;Dong, Z.D.

Abstract: The displacement of Cu from its EDTA complex by Sc in the presence of PAR has been used for the determination of Sc. The carrier solution (constant pH 3-5) was prepared by titration of a solution of the Cu-EDTA complex with 4-(2-pyridylazo)resorcinol (PAR), and was transported around the flow system by a peristaltic pump. Samples were introduced by hydrodynamic injection at a rate of 2 per min, also by a peristaltic pump. A 25 µL flow cell with an absorbing pathlength of 1.2 cm was used in the spectrophotometer; the incident radiation was monochromatized by an interference filter having a transmission band of 540 ± 5 nm. Samples of 40 µL, a 120 cm mixing coil with 30 turns, and a flow rate of 1.5-2.5 ml/min gave stable and reproducible operation.
Spectrophotometry Hydrodynamic injection Indirect Interferences