University of North Florida
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Stuart Chalk, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
University of North Florida
Phone: 1-904-620-1938
Fax: 1-904-620-3535
Website: @unf

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  • IUPAC Name: 4-[(1R)-2-amino-1-hydroxyethyl]benzene-1,2-diol
  • Molecular Formula: C8H11NO3
  • CAS Registry Number: 51-41-2
  • InChI: InChI=1S/C8H11NO3/c9-4-8(12)5-1-2-6(10)7(11)3-5/h1-3,8,10-12H,4,9H2

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Citations 11

"Amperometric Detection Of Cationic Neurotransmitters At Nafion-coated Glassy Carbon Electrodes In Flow Streams"
Anal. Chim. Acta 1987 Volume 194, Issue 1 Pages 129-138
Joseph Wang, Peng Tuzhi and Teresa Golden

Abstract: A thin-layer vitreous-carbon electrode was coated first with the perfluorosulfonated polymer Nafion, and then further coated with cellulose acetate, applied as a 5% solution in acetone - cyclohexanone (1:1). The electrode was evaluated as an amperometric detector in a flow injection system and showed response times of ~2 s to achieve 90% of max. signal with peak widths of 6 to 7 s. Rectilinear calibrations were achieved for dopamine over the range 20 to 160 µM and detection limits of 0.04 and 0.1 ng were obtained for noradrenaline and adrenaline, respectively. In presence of gelatin and albumin, the bilayer-coated electrode maintained a uniform level of response and gave a selective response to cationic neurotransmitters in the presence of excesses of uric acid and ascorbic acid.
Amperometry Electrode Electrode Selectivity Peak width

"Coated Amperometric Electrode Arrays For Multi-component Analysis"
Anal. Chem. 1990 Volume 62, Issue 18 Pages 1924-1927
Joseph Wang, Gary D. Rayson, Ziling Lu, and Hui Wu

Abstract: Four vitreous-carbon electrodes were coated with different materials of diverse transport properties, viz, cellulose acetate, polyvinyl pyridine, Nafion and a phospholipid. The use of the array was demonstrated in flow injection analysis with equipotential operation at 1 mL-1 with dopamine, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, catechol, adrenaline, noradrenaline, promethazine and ascorbic acid as analytes. The compounds were characterized by their response patterns and multi-component analysis was achieved by the partial selectivity of the individual sensors and by pattern recognition (multiple linear regression). The responses were generally rectilinear up to 0.1 mM. The individual coatings retained their properties over long periods, and coefficient of variation were 1 to 2%.
Amperometry Electrode Electrode Electrode Multicomponent Selectivity

"Simultaneous Determination Of Adrenaline And Noradrenaline By First-derivative Spectrophotometry In A FIA Assembly"
Anal. Lett. 1996 Volume 29, Issue 12 Pages 2115-2124
G. A. Rivas; S. Laredo Ortiz; J. Martínez Calatayud

Abstract: A schematic diagram of the FIA manifold is given. Sample (914.3 µL) was merged with 0.3 M NaOH reaction medium in a mixing coil (132.6 cm). The resulting solution was injected into 0.15 M NaOH carrier stream and carried downstream through a 168.6 cm coil to the spectrophotometer. All flow rates were 1.75 ml/min. The selected wavelengths (first derivative) were 394 and 342 nm for noradrenaline (I) and adrenaline (II), respectively, with an integration time of 0.4 s. Calibration graphs were linear from 2-30 ppm for both I and II. The method was applied to different synthetic mixtures of I and II.
Spectrophotometry Spectroscopy

"Fluorimetric Determination Of Catecholamines Using Glycylglycine As The Reagent For Post-column Derivatization"
J. Chromatogr. A 1984 Volume 287, Issue 2 Pages 407-412
Tokuichiro Seki and Yoshihisa Yamaguchi

Abstract: Catecholamines were extracted from human urine, containing isoprenaline as internal standard, on a column of Amberlite CG-50; elution was effected with 0.66 M H3BO3, and a portion of the eluate at pH 4.0 was analyzed on a column (30 cm x 8 mm) of Amberlite IRC-50 with 0.5 mM Na2EDTA in 0.35 M H3BO3 - 0.12 M tartaric acid buffer solution of pH 4 as mobile phase (1 mL min-1). The eluate was treated with a 1.5% solution of glycylglycine in 0.05 M H3BO3 (2 mM in ZnSO4), followed by potassium borate buffer solution (pH 9.4) containing 0.01% of Fe(CN)63- as catalyst. The resulting derivatives were determined fluorimetrically at 500 nm (with excitation at 350 nm). Calibration graphs were rectilinear in the range 1 to 100 ng. Adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine were well resolved in ~30 min, and recovery of all compounds studied was almost quantitative.
Urine Ion exchange Fluorescence Amberlite Post-column derivatization

"Estimation Of Catecholamines By Ion-exchange Chromatography On Asahipak ES-502C Using Glycylglycine As The Post-derivatization Agent"
J. Chromatogr. A 1985 Volume 332, Issue 1 Pages 9-13
Tokuichiro Seki, Yoshihisa Yamaguchi, Kohji Noguchi and Yuzo Yanagihara

Abstract: Urine was treated with aqueous 5% EDTA, aqueous 1% ascorbic acid and 0.01 M HCl containing isoprenaline (internal standard). The pH was adjusted to 6.2 to 6.3, the solution was applied to a column of Amberlite CG-50, and the catecholamines were eluted with 0.66 M H3BO3. The eluate was mixed with 0.08 M succinic acid containing EDTA and 2,2'-thiodiethanol, and subjected to chromatography on a column (10 cm x 7.6 mm) of Asahipak ES-502C, at 60°C, with 0.05 M succinate - 0.015 M borate - 0.5 mM EDTA (pH 5.25) as the mobile phase (1 mL min-1), with post-column derivatization of the eluate by heating at 90°C with 0.1 M glycylglycine containing 0.05 M H3BO3, 3 mM ZnSO4, 0.2 M tartaric acid and 0.25 M potassium borate buffer (pH 9.2) containing 0.01% of Fe(CN)63-. Determination was by measurement of the fluorescence. Good separation of adrenaline(I), noradrenaline(II) and dopamine(III) was achieved and the calibration graphs were rectilinear for 0.5 to 100 ng of I and II, and 1.5 to 150 ng of III. Reproducibility was good and recoveries were 96%.
Urine HPIC Fluorescence Amberlite Heated reaction Post-column derivatization

"Novel Post-column Derivatization Method For The Fluorimetric Determination Of Norepinephrine And Epinephrine"
J. Chromatogr. B 1980 Volume 221, Issue 2 Pages 249-255
Noriyuki Nimura, Kyoko Ishida and Toshio Kinoshita

Abstract: A novel method is described in which catecholamines are converted into fluorescent products by heating in alkaline borate buffer. The method was applied to the determination of norepinephrine and epinephrine after separation by high-performance liquid chromatography using a pellicular, strong cation exchanger. The new system is simpler than the system based on the trihydroxyindole reaction. It is suitable for the measurement of catecholamines in the range 0.25-20 ng. The assay of catecholamines in human urine is also described.
Fluorescence Post-column derivatization

"Direct Injection Of Plasma And Urine In Automated Analysis Of Catecholamines By Coupled-column Liquid Chromatography With Post-column Derivatization"
J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 1984 Volume 2, Issue 2 Pages 315-333
Per Olof Edlund* and Douglas Westerlund

Abstract: Adrenaline(I), noradrenaline(II) and dopamine(III) were selectively adsorbed from plasma on a column (1 cm x 4.6 mm) of benzeneboronic acid gel (Affi-Gel 601) or from urine on a column (2 cm x 3.8 mm) of dihydroxyboryl-silica or Aba-silica, and were eluted with aqueous H3PO4 containing 2 mM Na decyl sulfate(IV). The eluted catecholamines were enriched as ion pairs on a column (2 cm x 4.6 mm) of Supelcosil LC-18-DB (5 µm), before elution with methanol - buffer solution (1:4) and separation on a column (7.5 cm x 4.6 mm) of Supelcosil LC-18-DB (3 µm), with phosphate buffer (pH 6.65) - citrate buffer (pH 6.65) - methanol (3:3:2) (containing 2 mM (IV) and 0.3 mM EDTA) as the mobile phase (0.9 mL min-1). III was detected by coulometry at +0.3 V, and I and II by fluorimetry, as the trihydroxyindoles after post-column derivatization, at 510 nm (excitation at 400 nm). The limits of detection were 0.05, 0.04 and 1.6 pmol for I, II, and III, respectively, with coefficient of variation between 2 and 4%.
Blood Plasma Urine HPLC Fluorescence Coulometry Post-column derivatization

"Development And Performance Of An Automated HPLC Analyser For Catecholamines"
Chromatographia 1987 Volume 24, Issue 5 Pages 363-370
K. -S. Boos, B. Wilmers, R. Sauerbrey, E. Schlimme

Abstract: An automated dual-column HPLC system is described for the determination of catecholamines in body fluids, based on the use of a bonded-phase material with both size-exclusion and affinity-chromatographic properties (cf. Boos et al., '8. Koenigsteiner Chromatographie Tage', Waters GmbH, Koenigstein, 1985, p. 219), a microprocessor-controlled column-switching technique and an optional reaction system for post-column derivatization for fluorimetric detection. For a standard mixture of noradrenaline(I) and adrenaline(II), the detection limits were 300 and 2 pg of I or II with measurement of natural and trihydroxyindole fluorescence, respectively. From 20 fmol mL-1 to 3 nmol mL-1 of I and II can be determined. Coefficients of variation are tabulated for catecholamines in urine and plasma or serum.
Blood Plasma Blood Serum Urine SEC LC Fluorescence Post-column derivatization

Chromatographia 1988 Volume 25, Issue 3 Pages 199-204
Boos, K.S.;Wilmers, B.;Sauerbrey, R.;Schlimme, E.

Abstract: Noradrenaline(I) and adrenaline(II) were determined in plasma (serum) and urine by using a pre-column (3 cm x 4 mm) of hydrophilic vinyl polymer and an analytical column (12.5 cm x 4 mm) of LiChrospher RP-18 (5 µm) linked by an automatic switching valve. The mobile phase was phosphate buffer of pH 8.7 for the pre-column and phosphate buffer of pH 3.0 - methanol - water in the analytical column. Post-column derivatization was effected by sequential treatment of the eluate with buffered K3Fe(CN)6, ascorbic acid and NaOH. The fluorescent trihydroxyindole derivatives formed were detected at 520 nm (excitation at 410 nm). The limit of detection was 2 pg. In urine, the within-batch coefficient of variation were 5.66 and 6.67% for I and II, respectively. Recoveries (n = 20) from urine were 93.61 ± 4.14 and 95.61 ± 3.25% for I and II, respectively; the corresponding figures for plasma (n = 15) were 103.54 ± 3.89 and 103.18 ± 4.11%.
Blood Plasma Urine HPLC Fluorescence Post-column derivatization

"Automated HPLC Analysis System For Direct Determination Of Catecholamines And Their Metabolites In Biological Matrices"
Labor Med. 1987 Volume 10, Issue 7-8 Pages 344-350
Boos, K.S.;Wilmers, B.;Sauerbrey, R.;Schlimme, E.

Abstract: This method for routine determination of adrenaline and noradrenaline in body fluids involves use of a laboratory-prepared SEC-HPAC (phenylboronic acid - vinyl polymer) column packing, a microprocessor-controlled column-switching technique and an integrated system for post-column derivatization and trihydroxyindole fluorescence monitoring. It permits direct injection of an appropriate biological fluid (500 µL) and has a detection limit of 2 pg.
Biological fluid SEC Fluorescence Post-column derivatization

"Liquid Chromatography - Luminescence Methods"
Life Sci. 1987 Volume 41, Issue 7 Pages 901-904
Kazuko Mori

Abstract: Catecholamines in alumina extracts of urine or plasma or in tissue homogenates were separated by HPLC on TSK-gel ODS-1207 with KH2PO4 - acetonitrile - EDTA as mobile phase, pre- or post-column derivatization and fluorimetric detection. After post-column reaction based on trihydroxyindole formation with Fe(CN)63- as oxidant, the fluorescence of adrenaline and noradrenaline derivatives was measured at 520 nm (excitation at 410 nm). Dopamine could not, however, be detected in plasma by this method or by an alternative technique with electrochemical detection. The method could easily be automated, including a pre-column system. By pre-column derivatization with 1,2-diphenylethylenediamine (after cleanup on a cation-exchange column), dopamine and the other catecholamines could be determined in plasma; the detection limit was ~2 fmol. Fluorescence was measured at 480 nm (excitation at 350 nm).
Biological tissue Blood Plasma Urine HPLC Fluorescence Sample preparation Post-column derivatization Pre-column derivatization