University of North Florida
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Stuart Chalk, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry
University of North Florida
Phone: 1-904-620-1938
Fax: 1-904-620-3535
Website: @unf

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Citations 11

"A Continuous Spectrophotometric System For The Discrimination/determination Of Monosaccharides And Oligosaccharides In Foods"
Anal. Chim. Acta 2000 Volume 404, Issue 1 Pages 121-129
A. Cáceres, S. Cárdenas, M. Gallego and M. Valcárcel

Abstract: A simple, rapid method for the spectrophotometric discrimination of monosaccharides from the oligosaccharide fraction of fruit juice, jam, syrup and honey samples is proposed. The sample, in alkaline medium, is directly introduced into a flow system and passed through an activated carbon column for its decolorization; then, a volume of 200 µl is injected into the derivatising reagent stream to start the analytical reaction, which takes place at 85°C. The two fractions are discriminated on the basis of the different colors of the derivatives formed; thus, the derivatives of the monosaccharides are yellow while those of the di- and trisaccharides are violet-carmine. The two fractions are monitored at 400 and 540 nm, respectively. Sucrose gives no reaction as it is a non-reducing sugar. The proposed method allows reducing sugars contents from 0.01% to 0.80% w/v to be determined with an average relative standard deviation of 4.5% and a sampling frequency of 10 h-1. The proposed method was validated by applying it to two milk-based and sugar candidate artificial CRMs, with good correlation. The detection limits achieved (0.01% w/v for maltose, lactose and maltotriose at 540 nm) allow adulteration of fruit juices with high fructose syrup from starch at the 4% level to be detected.
Fruit Food Food Food Spectrophotometry Reference material Heated reaction Activated carbon Column

"The Application Of Strongly Oxidizing Agents In Flow Injection Analysis. 4. Manganese(IV) And Copper(III)"
Anal. Chim. Acta 1988 Volume 211, Issue 1-2 Pages 99-104
W. E. van der Linden, G. den Boef and W. Ozinga

Abstract: Both oxidizing reagents were prepared under batch conditions and fed to the flow injection device from a strongly alkaline stock solution. Sexavalent Te was added to keep both Cu(III) and Cu(II) in solution, as well as Mn(IV) formed after the reduction of Mn(VI). The stability of both reagents and their oxidizing ability depend on the concentration. of Te(VI) and on the alkalinity of the solution The reactions of most analytes tested with Mn(VI) required the use of a heated (65°C) coil. The flow systems used for analyzes with each reagent are presented, and applications of each are discussed. The Mn(VI) reagent is particularly useful in the determination of 0.1 to 0.01 mM monosaccharides; this is demonstrated for the determination of fructose and glucose in lemonade.
Lemonade Spectrophotometry Heated reaction Merging zones

"Fermentation Monitoring And Control By Online Flow Injection And Liquid Chromatography"
Anal. Chim. Acta 1991 Volume 249, Issue 1 Pages 87-100
K. Schügerl, L. Brandes, T. Dullau, K. Holzhauer-Rieger, S. Hotop, U. Hübner, X. Wu and W. Zhou

Abstract: Flow injection manifolds are described (with diagrams) for the determination of mono- and di-saccharides, lactate, amino-acids and glutamine in fermentation broths from the production of alkaline protease and penicillin. All manifolds contain immobilized enzyme cartidges and detection is by O-electrode. HPLC conditions for online and offline monitoring are also tabulated for determination of cephalosporins, penicillins, carbohydrates, amino-acids and inorganic anions.
Fermentation broth HPLC Immobilized enzyme

"Cobalt-based Glassy-carbon Chemically Modified Electrode For Constant-potential Amperometric Detection Of Carbohydrates In Flow Injection Analysis And Liquid Chromatography"
Anal. Chim. Acta 1992 Volume 270, Issue 1 Pages 161-171
Tommaso R. I. Cataldi*, Innocenzo G. Casella, Elio Desimoni and Taddeo Rotunno

Abstract: The electrode was prepared by casting 50 mM Co(NO3)2 solution on a clean glassy C surface, drying the electrode at 60°C for 30 min and rinsing with water. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements indicated that Co(IV) was present on the electrode surface during the cyclic voltammetry of mono-, di- and tri-saccharides in alkaline medium. The electrodes were used as an amperometric detector for these carbohydrates after anion-exchange LC on a Carbopac PA1 column (25 cm x 4 mm), operated at 22°C, with 0.20 M NaOH as the mobile phase (1.0 mL min-1). The operating potential was 0.50 V vs. Ag - AgCl. The detectors were also used in a flow injection system for the detection of glucose in a 0.20 M NaOH carrier stream. The response was rectilinear over a dynamic range from 0.5 µM to 0.5 mM glucose. The average peak current was 2.23 µA and coefficient of variation (n = 14) was 1.6%. A cobalt-based glassy carbon (Co/GC) chemical modified electrode (CME) is described for use as an amperometric detector in the flow anal. of mono-, di- and trisaccharides. The preparation of the electrode is very easy and rapid. As with copper- and nickel-based glassy carbon electrodes, the Co/GC CME allows the electrocatalytic oxidation of scarcely electroactive compounds without recourse to pulsed waveform potentials. Hence, constant-potential amperometric detection is feasible and it has been applied successfully to reducing and nonreducing sugars. The chemical nature of cobalt species on glassy carbon was investigated using XPS and the results indicate that a Co(III) oxide hydroxide is present on the glassy carbon surface. However, electrochemical detection in an alkaline mobile phase of aliph. organic compounds seems to take place through mediation of Co(IV) species produced from the oxidation of Co(III) during anodic polarization. Carbohydrates and related polyhydroxy compounds were determined at the micromolar level with an operating potential of 0.50 V vs. Ag/AgCl after anion-exchange chromatography separation The detector responds linearly to an increase in glucose concentration with a linear dynamic range that extends over three orders of magnitude (0.5 µM-0.5 mM).
Electrode Electrode Amperometry HPIC Apparatus Detector Linear dynamic range

"Characterization Of An Immobilized Hexose Oxidase Reactor For Mono- And Oligosaccharide Determination By Liquid Chromatography"
Anal. Chim. Acta 1993 Volume 284, Issue 2 Pages 281-290
P. C. Maes and L. J. Nagels*

Abstract: Hexose oxidase was extracted from the seaweed Chondrus crispus and immobilized onto aminopropylglass beads (50 nm pore size, 200-400 mesh) with glutaraldehyde (details given) which were then packed into a stainless-steel column (50 x 2.1 mm i.d.). This enzyme reactor was used in a flow injection analysis system for the LC determination of carbohydrates on a Bio-Rad Aminex HPX 87P column operated at 85°C with water as mobile phase (0.4 ml/min). Samples eluting from the column were mixed with a stream (0.1 ml/min) of 0.2 M sodium phosphate and carried to the enzyme reactor for production of H2O2 which was detected amperometrically with a large-volume wall-jet electrochemical cell equipped with a 3 mm diameter Pt-disc working electrode operated at +750 mV vs. SCE. The detection limits were 2 ng for glucose and galactose, 40 ng for maltose, cellobiose and lactose, 500 ng for mannose and 800 ng for xylose. The conversion efficiencies for 12 mono- and oligosaccharides were measured at different flow-rates. These efficiencies and the reactor selectivity were compared to those of glucose oxidase reactors.
Electrode LC Immobilized enzyme Glass beads Biorad

"Simultaneous Amperometric Determination Of Some Mono-, Di-, And Oligosaccharides In Flow Injection And Liquid Chromatography Using Two Working Enzyme Electrodes With Different Selectivity"
Anal. Chim. Acta 1997 Volume 349, Issue 1-3 Pages 179-188
Merid Tessemaa, Ted Larssonb, Torbjörn Buttlerc, Elisabeth Csöregic, Tautgirdas Ruzgasd, Magnus Nordlingb, Sten-Eric Lindquistb, Göran Petterssone and Lo Gortonc,*

Abstract: A selective dual enzyme electrode system for the monitoring of sugars in flow injection was developed. The working electrodes were based on cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH) and oligosaccharide dehydrogenase (ODH) 'wired' with an osmium-based redox polymer on solid graphite electrodes. In each case the respective enzyme and poly(1-vinylimidazole) (PVI) in which every tenth mer is complexed with osmium (4,4'-dimethylbpy)2Cl, (denoted PVI10dmeOs) were crosslinked with poly(ethylene glycol) diglycidyl ether (PEGDGE). The two enzyme electrodes had distinct but different selectivities and sensitivities towards a number of investigated sugars. The CDH-modified electrodes responded, with relative activities, for cellobiose (100%), lactose (62.5%), maltose (1.2%), glucose (1%) and for higher cellodextrines (Glu3-6) while the ODH electrodes responded to all investigated sugars except D-fructose and the higher cellodextrins with relative activities for D-glucose (100%), cellobiose (60.4%), lactose (47.3%), maltose (40.6%), L-arabinose (26.1%), maltotriose (24.0%), D-galactose (21.9%), D-xylose (13.1%) and D-mannose (8.9%), 1 mM concentrations each. Linear calibration curves for cellobiose were obtained between 25 µM and 3 mM for the CDH- and ODH-modified electrodes with a sensitivity of 7.9 and 1.4 µA mM 1 cm-2, respectively. The dual electrode system was also used as an end column detector for detection of various sugars after their separation in a size-exclusion Chromatographic system.
Amperometry Electrode Selectivity

"Determination Of Monosaccharides In Cellulosic Hydrolysates Using Immobilized Pyranose Oxidase In A Continuous Amperometric Analyser"
Anal. Chem. 1990 Volume 62, Issue 24 Pages 2688-2691
Lisbeth Olsson, Carl Fredrik Mandenius, and Jindrich Volc

Abstract: Purified pyranose oxidase (details given) was immobilized on controlled pore glass by using the glutaraldehyde activation method and stabilized by co-immobilization with catalase. For the determination of glucose, xylose and galactose, the immobilized enzyme reactor was installed in a pseudo flow injection system and oxygen consumption was measured with an amperometric electrode (Clark-type). The electrode response after partial transfer of the sample through a dialysis membrane was rectilinear from 0.6 to 30, 1.0 to 50 and 2.0 to 100 mM, respectively. The analytical system was tested for bioreactor monitoring on laboratory scale by interfacing with a 10-l fermenter containing spent sulfite liquor, and no adverse effects were observed with regard to pyranose response; after 2000 injections into the enzyme reactor the decay of enzyme activity was 17%. This analytical system has also been applied to the continuous monitoring of ethanolic fermentation.
Amperometry Immobilized enzyme Controlled pore glass Interface Dialysis Membrane Enzyme

"Pyranose Oxidase-modified Carbon Paste Electrodes For Monosaccharide Determination"
Electroanalysis 1998 Volume 10, Issue 4 Pages 223-230
Helena Lidén, Jindrich Volc, György Marko-Varga, Lo Gorton

Abstract: An amperometric biosensor for the detection of some monosaccharides was developed with co-immobilized pyranose oxidase (purified from the basidiomycete fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium) and horseradish peroxidase in carbon paste. Due to rather low selectivity of pyranose oxidase, the biosensor could detect both predominating anomers of D-glucose as well as the substrates D-xylose, D-galactose, and -gluconolactone. The best sensor performance was obtained from a carbon paste with covalently immobilized enzymes together with the additives lactitol and polyethylenimine, resulting in a sensitivity for glucose of 30.2 A cm-2 mM 1. The enzyme modified electrode was investigated in an automated flow injection system at the operating potential of -50 mV (vs. Ag/AgCl) with an injection frequency of 40 h-1. The biosensor was also integrated as the detection unit in a liquid chromatographic system for the detection of monosaccharides to show its potential use in real applications.
Electrode Electrode

"High Performance Liquid Chromatography Separation Of Some Mono- And Disaccharides With Detection By A Post-column Enzyme Reactor And A Chemically Modified Electrode"
J. Chromatogr. A 1987 Volume 408, Issue 1 Pages 157-170
György Marko-Varga

Abstract: The effluent from a chromatographic column was mixed with nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide coenzyme (NAD+) buffer and passed through a packed-bed reactor containing immobilized glucose dehydrogenase. Oxidation of the carbohydrates emerging from the column produced an equivalent amount of reduced coenzyme (NADH), which was detected electrochemically using an electrode modified with 7-dimethylamino-1,2-benzophenoxazine (Meldola Blue). Separation was effected in three different chromatographic systems containing a protonated ion exchanger, a calcium(II)-saturated or a lead(II)-saturated ligand exchange column. Separation, detection and k? values are reported for glucose, 2-deoxyglucose, xylose, mannose, cellobiose, lactose, ribose and glucosamine. The detection limit was 2 ng for a 20-l injection of glucose and the response was linear up to 6300 ng. Samples from fermentation of penicillin were analyzed for lactose and glucose with the described detector. A comparison with the recordings from a refractive index detector showed that the selectivity of the enzymes and the modified electrodes are necessary for the determination of glucose and lactose.
Food Amperometry HPLC Electrode Immobilized enzyme Post-column derivatization

"High Performance Liquid Chromatography Of Mono- And Oligosaccharides"
J. Liq. Chromatogr. Relat. Technol. 1991 Volume 14, Issue 6 Pages 1051-1111
Albert Avraam Ben-bassat; Eli Grushka

Abstract: The separation and determination of various monosaccharides and oligosaccharides by different HPLC techniques, published in the period from the second part of 1983 up to December 1987, are reviewed. However, several earlier works of particular significance are also covered. This review includes a systematic description of the important elements in an advanced HPLC system for analysis of saccharides: stationary phases for columns, specific mobile phases, the use of precolumn or post-column derivatization and the choise of detector for each specific analysis. the most significant developments of the last decade are the increasing use of bonded-phase
HPLC Detector Pre-column derivatization Post-column derivatization Review

"Purpald (4-amino-3-hydrazino-5-mercapto-1,2,4-triazole) As A Reagent For Post-column Derivatization Of Neutral Monosaccharides In High-pressure Liquid Chromatography"
J. Liq. Chromatogr. Relat. Technol. 1993 Volume 16, Issue 5 Pages 1105-1116
M. J. Del Nozal; J. L. Bernal; V. Hernandez; L. Toribio; R. Mendez

Abstract: Standard mixtures of xylose, mannose, rhamnose, glucose, fructose, galactose, arabinose and ribose were separated on an Aminex HPX-87P cation exchange column (30 cm x 7.8 mm) maintained at 85°C. The carrier solution (0.4 mL min-1) consisted of 0.4% Purpald solution in 2 M NaOH - 40 mM H2O2 (7:3). The column effluent was merged with a flow (0.8 mL min-1) of water and passed through a 20-m reaction coil made of Teflon tubing (0.3 mm i.d.) immersed in a water bath at 90°C. The mixture was then cooled by passage through an ice bath and detected at 550 nm. Detection limits ranged from 15 to 8 ng. Beer's law was obeyed up to 500 ng for all analytes.
HPLC Post-column derivatization